Radiant Enchantress Connection (Summit)

The Connection Summit
The Best Kept Secrets of Successful Women.
At this event you will Learn these secrets so you can start implementing them in your life.
Register and you will receive free tools and exercises to work on in your daily life to propel YOU to YOUR own defined version of success in all aspects of your life.
There are 5 speakers that go deep into weight loss and mindset, nutrition, manifestation, creating your perfect life and so much more.
Register today and get access to all sessions. This is a FREE event.
We will need your email address so that we can send you links to each session when they are released.
We promise to keep your information private.
Meet our Radiant Guest Speakers!
All our of speakers are successful women, entrepreneurs, mothers who basically started from nothing and have created their own defined version of success. We want that for YOU. So registered today to receive the private links to each session on August 4th and 5th. See you then!

Kay Sanders
Kay is an Intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling Author and Creator of Possibilities.
Kay helps conscious entrepreneurs find that missing piece to create momentum in their Business and re-ignite their Manifesting Mojo so they can make a difference in the world, create more freedom in their life and tap into the magic and power of manifesting their hearts desire.
Her motto is ‘everything is possible’ which she also heavily incorporates into her own business and with her clients to help them see all the amazing possibilities in life. Kay truly believes that everyone, not only deserves, but also has the ability, to live a fulfilling life full of success and possibilities.
Phone: 915-216-2743
Email: kay@kaysanders.com
Website: www.KaySanders.com

Tricia Gunderson Fogg
Tricia Fogg is a wife, mother of 2, and business leader who went on an extraordinary health journey in April of last year. She found herself in a situation where she was 75 lbs too heavy, always tired, and mixed with emotions. She knew she needed to change so in April of last year she took a stand for herself and committed to reclaiming her life. Over the next 6 months she dialed in her diet and nutrition, and redeveloped her habits and behavior patterns around food to lose the 75 lbs. She hit her goal in October of last year and has kept it off ever since. Since then, she realized that she held the key to many peoples' prison and started the company Reclaim Strategies with her husband to help others reclaim their health through the same program she used to reclaim hers. Since that decision, she's worked with over 100 clients across the US and has led those clients to lose a combined 2,500 lbs.

Annissa Coy
How to Create Your Perfect Life!
Annissa Coy is an amazing women coming from an abusive childhood and marrying as a young teenager with four children and now five grandchildren. She is a successful entrepreneur, speaker and educator who runs multiple corporations.
She travels the country giving educational speeches in her chosen field.
Her story of abuse, love and success is one of the most inspirational ones I have ever heard. She is passionate about helping other women rise up and become loving and successful professionals.
She is also the founder of an international Beach Cleanup Group called “Beachin’ Bag Lady” where her goal is to inspire a movement of awareness that we are all connected to each other as well as the ocean itself.
Her mission in life is to bring the message of hope to all women and young girls thru education, self awareness, love and connection.

Jane May Jones
How to Create Your Perfect Life!
From being told she wouldn't amount to anything to excelling in the corporate world to being a multi-business entrepreneur, she has now been on a journey of enlightenment for the past 11 years or so. She is ready to help you go from your 'nice' daily routines to being an exceptional women following her dreams. If she can do it so can you!
In the first 45 years,or so of her life, Jones was a wall flower, she had harbored feelings of inadequacy, guilt and other feelings for way too long! But now she has learned to relinquish these and become a radiant enchanting and successful woman.
Since about 2004 she has attended many experiential trainings, visited with the wise indigenous grandmothers and other spiritual individuals. Through all of their teachings Jones is now ready to help you on your journey to fulfillment, joy and purpose in your life.

Jane May Jones
8 Rules to live by...
In 2013 or so Jane May Jones wrote her book "Living and Succeeding: a memoir of a dyslexic entrepreneur". In that book she talks about her 8 rules to live by and how they have changed her life and how they can help you to a path of freedom, peace, joy and love.

Jianny Adamo
Jianny's professional credentials include LMHC, LPC, and she is the founder of Fearless Love Relationship Coaching and Counseling. With a Master of Arts degree in Counseling from Nyack College, NY, Jianny spent the last 14 years immersed in the study of human behavior, relationship dynamics, and spiritual theory. "As a licensed therapist, I work with my clients to help them see that intimate relationships, although conflicted at times, are nature’s path to healing, personal growth, and happiness."
Jianny has been named Relationship Coach of the Year 2017 by Women in Ecommerce of South Florida. She has received a Golden Mouse award for her depth of knowledge, giving spirit and for being an inspiring role model.
Next Steps...
Register at the link to the right to gain FREE access to our speeches....